Membuat Folder Seperti Smad-Lock

Terpikir olehku ingin membuat folder seperti Smad-Lock..karena akhir - akhir ini banyak data saya terkena virus yang kadang membuat saya kewalahan,,okelah ngga banyak basa basi, kita mulai saja...

ok, sekarang buka MS VB 6.0 kalian..

buatlah satu form dengan satu Command Button

inti nya disini adalah kenapa folder ini tidak tertembus oleh  (beberapa) virus kecuali morphiri (morphost) n Mr. J (Mr. J) dan beberapa yang lain virus indonesia adalah karna simbol Δ atau jenis lain yang dibuat melalui program VB dengan materi UNICODE yang membuat folder ini tidak bisa di hidden oleh BuluBebek / Nadia Shapira yang sering menghidden File anda di Flashdisk.

folder ini juga membuat applikasi yang ada di dalamnya tidak bisa di eksekusi.

kemampuan unicode bisa dibuat juga berbeda tiap komputer.tapi kalu lambang Δ dijamin ada.
ketikkan kode ini terlebih dahulu di codearea paling atas :

Private Declare Function BuatUnicode Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "CreateDirectoryW" (ByVal lpPathName As Any, _
lpSecurityAttributes As Long) As Long

'pendeklarasian buatunicode sebagai pembuat folder uniciode..dimana tampak jelas pada perbedaan "CreateDirectoryW" dan "CreateDirectoryA" yang mana huruf W dan A diakhir tersebut pembeda antara ANSI dan WIDECHAR....

        nLength As Long
        lpSecurityDescriptor As Long
        bInheritHandle As Long
End Type
'pemberian type SECURITY ATTRIBUTES pada directory yang kita buat....

ok sekarang ketikkan code berikut pada command button tsb :
Private Command1_Click( )
on error resume next
BuatUnicode StrPtr("C:\" & ChrW$(&h394) & " Smad-Lock " & chrw$(&h394)), VarPtr(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)End Sub

Chrw$(&h394) itu menandakan simbol segitiga (delta) smad-lock...

ok, selesai

Jawaban Tugas Sistem Operasi

  1. Diket ahui :












  1. Non_Preemptive FCFS

Penjadwalan : 














Waktu Tunggu : P1=0, P2=12, P3=20, P4=26, P5=29

AWT = ( 0 + 12 + 20 + 26 + 29 )/5=17.4

  1. Non_Preemptive SJF

Penjadwalan : 














Waktu Tunggu : P1=22, P2=14, P3=8, P4=0, P5=3

AWT =( 22 + 14 + 8 + 0 + 3 )/5=9.4


  1. Diketahui :











  1. Non_Preemptive SJF

Penjadwalan :
















Waktu Tunggu : P1=0, P2=8, P3=8, P4=10

AWT : ( 0 + 8 + 8 + 10 )/4=6.5

  1. Preemptive SJF

Penjadwalan : 
















Waktu Tunggu : P1=0 + (10-2)=8, P2=0, P3= 0 + ( 8 – 6 )= 2, P4=0

AWT : ( 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 )/4 =2,5

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The Visual Studio 2010 IDE has been redesigned for reducing clutter and complexity. The application is very well built, with a lot of great new features including multiple windows, floating tool windows and multi-monitor support. It comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing on Windows 7, support for IBM DB2 and Oracle databases for extra information, in addition with Microsoft SQL Server. Another great features is that Visual Studio 2010 offers the posibility to make parallel programming and debugging parallel applications, letting parallel Tasks to be visualized. It also has integrated a Quick Search feature which you can use to search across all symbols in C++, C# and VB.NET projects. Intel has launched support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2010 Express is a powerful and easy-to-use application that has built-in a new editor in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and support for the new .NET Framework 4. Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express offers a new environment for powerful Web application development, ideal for a developer learning to program on Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Visual C# offers a powerful set of productive tools for Windows developers building on .NET Framework. Microsoft Visual C++ offers users a finer degree of control.

The Visual Studio 2010 IDE has been redesigned for reducing clutter and complexity. The application is very well built, with a lot of great new features including multiple windows, floating tool windows and multi-monitor support. It comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing on Windows 7, support for IBM DB2 and Oracle databases for extra information, in addition with Microsoft SQL Server. Another great features is that Visual Studio 2010 offers the posibility to make parallel programming and debugging parallel applications, letting parallel Tasks to be visualized. It also has integrated a Quick Search feature which you can use to search across all symbols in C++, C# and VB.NET projects. Intel has launched support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.
Visual Studio 2010 Express is a powerful and easy-to-use application that has built-in a new editor in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and support for the new .NET Framework 4. Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express offers a new environment for powerful Web application development, ideal for a developer learning to program on Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Visual C# offers a powerful set of productive tools for Windows developers building on .NET Framework. Microsoft Visual C++ offers users a finer degree of control.
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Jawaban Tugas VB.NET bab 3

Public Class ClsGAJI
    Private noslip As String
    Private tglslip As Date
    Private gaji As Double
    Public Property nomorslip() As String
            Return noslip
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            noslip = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property tglgaji() As Date
            Return tglslip
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Date)
            tglslip = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property gapok() As Double
            Return gaji
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Double)
            gaji = value

        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class ClsPEGAWAI
    Private nip, nama, jabatan As String
    Private tglahir As Date
    Public Property nomor() As String
            Return nip
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            nip = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property nmpeg() As String
            Return nama
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            nama = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property jabatanpgw() As String
            Return jabatan
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            jabatan = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property tanggal() As String
            Return tglahir
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            tglahir = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class FrmSlipGaji
    Dim objslip As New ClsGAJI
    Dim objPGW As New ClsPegawai
    Dim objGAJI As New ClsGAJI

    Private Sub FrmSlipGaji_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        With CBJabatan
            .SelectedIndex = 0

        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub BBatal_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BBatal.Click
        TxtNoSlip.Text = ""
        DTglSlip.Value = Now
        TxtNama.Text = ""
        CBJabatan.Text = ""
        TxtGAPOK.Text = ""

    End Sub

    Private Sub BCetak_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BCetak.Click
        Dim data As String
        With objPGW
            .nmpeg = TxtNama.Text
            .jabatanpgw = CBJabatan.Text
        End With
        With objGaJI
            .nomorslip = TxtNoSlip.Text
            .tglgaji = DTglSlip.Value
            .gapok = TxtGAPOK.Text
        End With
        data = "Nomor Slip : " + objGAJI.nomorslip + Chr(13) + _
             "tanggal Slip : " + Format(objGAJI.tglgaji, "dd/MM/yyyy") + Chr(13) + _
             "Nama Pegawai : " + objPGW.nmpeg + Chr(13) + _
             "Jabatan : " + objPGW.jabatanpgw + Chr(13) + _
             "Gaji Pokok : " + Format(objGAJI.gapok, "###,###")

        MsgBox(data, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Data Slip Pegawai")

    End Sub
End Class